
Disembarkation of Pilots on Oulo Finland - 2007

published on 28 May 2020 247 -

Found on YouTube.
How to assist for disembarkation of Pilots on Oulo Finland. Ice Navigation. Super Ice Class Ship. MV Xanthia. Comfort Ship made in Aker yards. Cadet Life.
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Article IcePad, Smart download and view satellite images of sea-ice

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Download and view satellite images of sea-ice on your mobile device or PC within an intuitive map-based interface.


Video Pilot boarding ship - ice bound harbour.

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also questions to get deeper into the matter of combinations and embarkation platforms.


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#pelautindonesia #pilotboat #pandu #harbourtug Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.. Halo halo…?? Berjumpa lagi sama saya guys akbar peaut indonesia, gimana kabar kalian semuanya ? Semoga di berikan kesehatan ya guys. Aamiin. Ok guys, ini adalah video mengenai proses penjemputan bapak pandu dari vessel bulk carrier ALPHA LAGECY oleh MOTOR PILOT BOAT untuk vessel ini memimiliki panjang 229 meter guys,kapal ini baru di sandarkan oleh 3 pala tunda. vessel Alpha Lagecy berasal dari negari asing guys...


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