Compmillennia LLC (Washington, North Carolina, U.S.A.) has delivered its Lightspeed® 41 (15.5-meter) Pilothouse catamaran, featuring strong but lightweight all-composite construction with a 42-knots achieved by twin 300-hp V8 Mercury Seapro outboard engines.
The pilot boat is a 1979 Gladding and Hearn, think of it as a 70s muscle car on water. The Deep-V hull does a great job of cutting through the waves while giving us good speed and maneuverability. On to the next one...
Some parts are sped up to fit 60 seconds.
Short time lapse video of the lauching of Pilot Boat Stainsby prior to her delivery triop to PD Ports at Teesport Middlesbrough. She is a 16m Pilot Boat designed by Camarc Design and built by Holyhead Marine.
Canal Day! Follow a Bulk Carrier as it crosses the Suez Canal. This video is not a time-lapse, well explore a typical day in the Suez Canal. From pilot turn overs and helmamns to the line boat gift shop well try and cover it all.
It was in fact 25 June 1871 when King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy, by Royal Decree 345, established a Pilot Corps in the port of Civitavecchia (60 kilometres north of Rome).