
Pilotage In Maldives

published on 27 September 2020 133 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Mohamed Shahid".
World Maritime Day Program, Pilotage in Maldives. Documentary Produced by Capt.Mohamed Shahid in association with AMMARI (Association for Maldives Maritime Industry and Maldives Ports Limited.

Special thanks to :-
Mr. Shahid Ali, CEO, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Capt. Ahmed Rasheed, Harbor Master, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Mr. Muzni Mohamed, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Capt. Hussain Faisal, Senior Pilot, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Capt. Ahmed Muaz, Senior Pilot, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Capt. Zaid, President, Association for Maldives Maritime Industry (AMMARI)
Capt. Qasim Mohamed
Capt. Mohamed Shareef (Sanco)
Capt. Mohamed Shareef (Surveying Salvage & Heavy Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
Capt. Ali Rasheed (ex Deputy Harbor Master, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Mr. Naseem Ismail, Pilot boat Captain, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Mr. Sharmeel Naeem, Pilot boat Captain, Maldives Ports Ltd.
Mr. Abdulla Ismail, Pilot boat Captain, Maldives Ports Ltd.
All Pilots, Managers, Staffs & Pilot boat Crew of Pilotage and Marine Services Department, Maldives Ports Ltd.
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