
Know your Pilot Ladder in less than eight minutes

published on 13 November 2020 1381 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Guide2Inspections by Captain D".
As part of Maritime Skill Enhancer Platform created by Navguide solutions, we give you a comprehensive inspection of your Pilot ladder, keeping you compliant, safe and ready for any inspection.
All this - in less than eight minutes!

Maritime Skill Enhancer is going to be the most practical platform to learn your day to day Maritime Skills, in matter of minutes. We are coming soon.

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René Hartung Lotsenbrüderschaft NOK II Kiel / Lübeck / Flensburg, Germany
on 25 February 2021, 07:31 UTC

Does anyone else „look forward“ to accidentally loosing their grip to the side ropes after having put your hand out around the tag plate?
I think the side rope is the worst place to place the tag. Very dangerous in my opinion


Article Origins of the IMPA pilot mark

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 24 October 2019

There are many things in both our everyday and professional lives which we take for granted and never question the origins of, an example of this might be the IMPA recommended ‘pilot mark or pilot line’, which is sometimes seen on the side of vessels indicating where a vessels freeboard exceeds 9 metres.


Article Pilot Embarkation platforms

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 17 December 2019

During the transit time on the pilot launch between the shore and the vessel, marine pilots will spend at least a portion of that time carrying out (either consciously or subconsciously) a risk assessment of the forthcoming operation.


Article Securing pilot ladders at intermediate lengths

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 6 January 2020

Over the past few years a number of pilot transfer accidents have occurred resulting from total failure of the side ropes, one school of thought is that the methods of securing a pilot ladder is a factor in such occurrences.


Video Humber Maritime College Simulator Tour

published on 21 October 2020

At Humber Maritime College we have state-of-the-art marine simulators to teach our Merchant Navy cadets in an environment close to reality, preparing them for a career at sea.


Video Two Way Traffic (The Texas Chicken). Explained by Capt. Lou Vest

published on 22 October 2020

With ships as large as 175 feet wide and a channel a maximum of 500 feet wide, how to you safely pass? Former Houston ship channel pilot, Lou Vest, explains how ships fight against hydrodynamics to pass with such narrow margins.


Opinion Scientific Fact: The ‘traditional’ understanding of the ship’s pivot point is wrong!

by Tim Cummins, Harbour Pilot, Portsmouth International Port - published on 9 July 2020

In fact, the pivot point that we “see” is a trick of the eye, it looks like the ship is rotating about this point but in fact it is elsewhere, a point that you cannot see.

Article Wärtsilä simulator upgrade will enhance Le Havre pilot operations

by - published on 25 May 2020

The technology group Wärtsilä will supply a complete navigational simulator upgrade for the Le Havre pilot station in France. The intention is to provide the pilot station with a totally new simulator specifically adapted to the requirements of the pilots’ operations. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in February 2020.The new unique visualisation system to be supplied is based on 14 DP projectors, comprising seven main circular and seven ground projection systems. It features a panoramic 350-degree screen.


Article Webinar - Port & Pilot supplied ECDIS routes and passage plans

published on 29 January 2021

The Australasian Marine Pilots Institute is presenting a webinar via Zoom about ports providing ECDIS routes and passage plans to ships as part of the pre-arrival process.

It will take place on Thursday 11 February 2021 at 19:00 AEDT (08:00 UTC) and is free for AMPI/IMPA/UKMPA/NZMPA members. Non-members are also welcome to attend.


Article AIMPA Journal- May 2021 issue XI

by AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association - published on 17 May 2021

The All India Maritime Pilots' Association has released its new journal for May


Article Study: increasing competition in ports and the underlying pressure

published on 2 October 2021

A study of increasing competition in ports and the underlying pressure to improve port performance. This thesis is the final deliverable for the completion of the degree of Master of Science in Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TIL) at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo-sciences at the Delft University of Technology.