Fully insured CAA OA & A2CofC
Edited with Davinci Resolve 15.
Drone Gear:
DJI Inspire 2, Phantom 4 Pro & Advanced Drone
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President of the Marine Pilot Association, Hubert Kerr, said that the pilots will not be satisfied with just being placed on a priority list, but are instead advocating for the actual jab to boost their protection against COVID-19, given their interaction with persons from different countries daily.
A collection of action from the St Johns Bar Pilot Association In the early 1800′s as the commercial ports along the St Johns River began to develop, a select group of brave and skilled seafarers would row to sea to meet arriving cargo sailing ships. These daring individuals would use their extensive local knowledge to safely guide the sailing ships across the treacherous sand bars that guarded the river entrance. This was the origin of the St. Johns Bar Pilots. Initially it was a bit of a...
M+ releases the 1st video of ECDIS competency series on “Safety Settings” presented by Safe Lanes. Use them for training crew, enhance safety standards & professional knowledge. Stay tuned for our upcoming series on ECDIS competency, Anchor losses, Incidents, PCS & vetting preparations & Human Elements training. These “first of it's kind” learning videos are based on PSC & vetting observations to provide solutions & enhance your professional competency. Pls feel free to connect to get a...