
How AIS Works - Operation of AIS

published on 25 July 2019 411 -

The term Automatic Identification System (AIS) refers to a radio system that improves the safety and guidance of vessel traffic by exchanging navigation and other vessel data.

Watch this film to learn more about AIS and how it works.
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Article Shipmonitoring via AIS: ESAIL successfully launched by LuxSpace

by - published on 13 September 2020

OHB subsidiary LuxSpace’s satellite for global ship monitoring has reached its target orbit.


Video Safe at sea with satellites (AIS)

published on 5 June 2020

At sea, space technology is used to help save lives every day: managing traffic between ships, picking up migrants and refugees in distress or spotting oil spills. The European Space Agency is once again at the forefront developing new technologies and satellites: to keep us safe at sea and to monitor the environment. Space makes a difference here on Earth and certainly at sea where there is no infrastructure.
Recommendation by
AIS services are offered by, for example:


Video How AIS Works - Operation of AIS

published on 30 June 2020

This section should give a short introduction to: Operational aspects of AIS Functions and features Human aspects Key Points The AIS transponder unit. Automatic communication. SOLAS requirements. AIS Information sent by ships. Static information update. MMSI Dynamic information update. Voyage related information update. Checking AIS data. BIIT Display Of AIS data. Recommended AIS symbols. Sleeping target symbol. Activated target symbol. Selected target symbol. Dangerous target...


Opinion Pilot safety: a crucial component of navigation safety

by MS Amlin Marine - published on 22 October 2024

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Video Mindfulness in Shipping Webinar

published on 24 July 2020

In this webinar, Rev. David Reid, AFNI looks at why we need to learn this skill and put it to work to promote safety at sea and the wellbeing of our colleagues. Are we mind full or mindful?


Article The NZMPA Good Practice Guide for Pilots 2021

published on 4 April 2022

The Good Practice Guide for Pilots 2021 describes the knowledge and skills (technical and non-technical) that the NZMPA believe all pilots should aim to achieve and maintain. It is written primarily for pilots for their own guidance and professional development, but can be used as a framework for pilot training, proficiency and assessment. It is referenced to NZ Maritime Law and Codes.


Video Maritime Piloting in the 17th-Century

published on 25 June 2022

Many people wonder how ships made it across entire oceans without getting lost in the seventeenth century. Aaron introduces seventeenth century navigation to us today by beginning with piloting.


Opinion Pilot ladders: Compliance by design, failure by operator

by Herman Broers - published on 10 March 2022

It is not often that this blog is used to show bad practice, however in this case some pictures tell a whole story. Ship is compliant by design for rigging a combination. How about the operator(s)?


Video Pilot disembarkation from tanker at BAY OF BENGAL

published on 9 November 2021

Hooghly river Marine pilotage is one of the toughest and longest pilotage in the world,
pilots here face many challenges daily to enable safe passage of ships from bay of Bengal to the port of CALCUTTA and Haldia.
Pilot embarkation and disembarkation is a vital part , where the pilot climbs up or down a rope ladder ,if the free board is more than 9 meters then combination ladder is used it needs very good physical fitness practice and experience to safely embark and disembark from these...


Video Pilot Boat in Japan, 滑走するt【4K撮影】ひめしま

published on 11 November 2020
