
Pilot Talks...! Pilot ki Baat. Episode 2

published on 25 February 2021 28 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "All India Maritime Pilots Association". Originally published on 2021-02-21.
Welcome to our next episode of:-
Pilot Talks... Pilot ki Baat..!
Hosted by Capt. Vijay Sharma, Master Mariner @capt.vijay
along with Co-Host Capt.Gajanan Karanjikar, President of AIMPA, India @captgajanan
We have the honor to invite our Special Guest.
Capt Ravi Nijjer.
Principal Consultant
Marine Consultancy Group Pty. Ltd
He is a fellow of the nautical institute
He is a principal consultant with marine consultancy group private limited, Australia
He has developed human factors based various programs for the past 25yrs, including BRM course, professional development advance marine pilot training & proficiency checks for marine pilot
He has been instrumental in developing special SMS for the unique risk profile of pilotage operations.
His recent work involved developing a 3rd generation BRM course as a response to challenges for pilots in the age of big data. He has also received the maritime services award by AMSA in 2014.
In this episode, we talk about how the pilotage reforms in Australia was carried out.
Subscribe to our channel. We will be uploading Episodes every fortnight on the 7th & 21st of every month.
We will be interviewing various prominent personalities in India & World to speak about Maritime Pilotage Safety.
You can follow Capt Vijay on:-
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Welcome to the next episode of "Pilot Talks..." by AIMPA.
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