Pilot Talks... Pilot ki Baat..!
Hosted by Capt. Vijay Sharma, Master Mariner @capt.vijay
along with Co-Host Capt.Gajanan Karanjikar, President of AIMPA, India @captgajanan
We have the honor to invite our Special Guest.
Capt. Henk Hensen.
Welcome to our next episode of:- Pilot Talks... Pilot ki Baat..! Hosted by Capt. Vijay Sharma, Master Mariner @capt.vijay along with Co-Host Capt.Gajanan Karanjikar, President of AIMPA, India @captgajanan We have the honor to invite our Special Guest. Capt Ravi Nijjer. Principal Consultant Marine Consultancy Group Pty. Ltd He is a fellow of the nautical institute He is a principal consultant with marine consultancy group private limited, Australia He has developed human factors based...
Matthias Meyer was head of the Bremerhaven port pilots, nautical expert and lecturer at maritime schools. In front of our camera, he voices what has long been a topic of discussion in shipping circles: that the 400-meter container ships have simply become too big for the narrow shipping channels of the Weser and Elbe. In his view, a serious accident is only a matter of time. We take a look at how the district is dealing with these giants and what politicians, BUND and shipowners have to say...
Pilot Boarding for Elbe River Transit bound for Hamburg, Germany. Details from marinetraffic.com Without You by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US
ChartWorld's Information Overlay+ service, CIO,+ builds on the success of our automated T&P NtM service launched last year. Additional features include safety and environmental overlays. CIO+ is the only service in the market which solves the problem of plotting missing T&P NMs into the ECDIS. CIO+ means that the T&P NM is already applied in a simple updated Chart