
2019: "Ever Given" Allided with Berthed Ferry "Finkenwerder" in Hamburg

published on 28 March 2021 1926 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "vesseltracker". Originally published on 2019-02-11.
On 9 February 2019, near the Port of Hamburg, the EVER GIVEN struck the 25-metre HADAG ferry Finkenwerder, moored at the Blankenese jetty, and severely damaged it. Two minutes after the collision, a ban was imposed on sailing on the Elbe due to strong winds.

During transit from Hamburg to Rotterdam, the 20,000 TEU container ship "Ever Given" allided with the berthed ferry "Finkenwerder" in Hamburg on 9 February 2019. No injuries were reported.


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Video Hamburg Harbor Pilot Boat "Lotse 4" on Elbe River

published on 24 November 2023

Ship Name: Pilot 4 ENI: 04810620 Client: Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Operator: Hafenlotsenbrüdergesellschaft Hamburg Shipyard: Schiffswerft Hermann Barthel, Derben Building No. 170 Classification: Germanischer Lloyd Grade: GL + 100 A5 IN (1,2) Z Pilot Boat Length: 17.93 m Width 4.98 m Draught 1.20 m Main engines: 2 MAN Type D 2876 LE 407 Machine output: 2 x 360 kW/1,800 rpm #shipspotting #pilotboat #hamburg


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Found on YouTube. Created by "ships, planes and gaming". Originally pubished on 2021-03-03.