Furetank turns a former office building into a maritime educational centre on Donsö outside Gothenburg: a state-of-the-art ship simulator complex for training, assessment and certification.
For this last publication of the week, "In the shoes of a port pilot", the UMF unveils a video of the president of the pilot station, Jean-Philippe Salducci, who talks about his job, his career, the qualities required and the role of the UMF as a major player in the port of Marseille-Fos.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the maritime supply chain and called for accelerated adoption of digital technologies in various aspects of maritime operations, including the area of maritime education and training (MET).
Mission ended well and disembarked on 13/12/2021. She didn't. Weekes later she caught major fire and sank South of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. Fortunately, the crew abandoned the ship and no casualties were reported.