
Dublin Port | Pilot Operations

published on 2 November 2021 145 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Dublin Port Company". Originally published on 2021-11-02.
DPC provide a Pilot Service for vessels visiting the port, the service involves putting on and taking off Pilots from the vessels both in port and at sea.

Only personnel who are qualified, trained and passed out as competent in their respective roles are involved in this operation which will normally involve a Coxswain to helm the boat, a boatman to look after the deck operations and ensure the safety of the Pilot throughout the operation.

Following correct procedures and utilising all the safety equipment available on board is all part of providing a safe and efficient service to vessels operating in and out of Dublin Port.

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Editors Note: Unfortunately this YouTube video - although publicly available - was not authorised by the responsible official bodies. Out of respect for the local organisation, we have decided to stop showing the video link to YouTube here. We ask for your understanding!
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