Opinion 1000 cruise ships around… Are their pilot transfer arrangements safe?
by Arie Palmers - published on 8 June 2022
Video Accommodation Ladder Load Testing
published on 25 January 2022
Video Virtual Reality Beleving - Beloodsing
published on 23 November 2020
Vlaanderen is één van de drukste scheepvaartregio’s ter wereld. Loodsen assisteren schepen bij het aanlopen en verlaten van de havens in Vlaanderen. De bemanning van Vloot zorgt ervoor dat de loodsen aan en van boord geraken van de te beloodsen schepen. Op zee maken ze hiervoor gebruik van de Wandelaar, een SWATH en een jol.
Video Pilot Boat crew transfer
published on 12 April 2022
Video How Ship Anchor Works? - Procedure For Anchoring a Ship at Sea
published on 11 July 2020
#Anchor #shipanchor #windlass Anchoring is one of the very frequent operations onboard ships. A number of variables and external factors influence the duration and location of an anchoring operation. While the type of seabed is of utmost importance during anchoring, soft muddy grounds or clay bottoms are best preferred. It should be taken care that the anchoring bottom is free of power lines, submarine cables, pipelines or rocks. Various methods on anchoring include consideration of...