Article Awards 2021 - Best Large Pilot Boat by Hart Marine: "Mantaray"
published on 24 May 2022
Video Pilot Boarding Ship in Extreme Weather condition
published on 2 August 2021
Article Port of Waterford receives the "Port Láirge" Pilot Boat
published on 24 November 2021
Article Metal Shark Delivers 45 Defiant Crew Boat To Anchorage Launch
published on 3 February 2023
Video Parking my Ship / Mombasa Kenya / Berthing Process
published on 6 August 2021
Article What is a SWASH pilot boat? What's the difference to the SWATH technology?
by - published on 5 June 2020
Video Recorded Webinar: Pilot Ladder safety and Pilot Transfer procedures
published on 15 October 2020
Video North Sea pilots in the storm (documentation, german with subtitles)
published on 20 February 2023
Für Lotsen ist es der gefährlichste Moment in ihrem Berufsalltag: bei orkanartigen Böen von einem Frachtschiff eine Strickleiter herunterklettern und auf ein kleines Lotsenboot übersetzen. Mitte Januar 2023 ist ein Lotse bei Borkum ins Meer gefallen und kam mit Unterkühlungen ins Krankenhaus. Erst wenige Tage zuvor verstarb ein englischer Kollege bei diesem Manöver. Hafenlotse Gerhard Janßen und Seelotse Dominik Thieben machen sich für ihren Einsatz bereit. Bei Windstärke acht geht es mit...
Article Risk analysis of collision accidents during underway STS berthing maneuver through integrating fault tree analysis (FTA) into Bayesian network (BN)
by Capt. Mustafa Sökükcü and Cenk Sakar - published on 3 May 2023
This research paper could be useful tool for marine pilots as well during the risk analysis of STS manoeuvrings. In light of the findings of the research, STS manoeuvres may be effectively planned in order to improve overall safety and avoid the unexpected incidents. On the other hand, there is a dearth of literature on STS operation. As a result, this work has a significant input on the current literature.