
Pilot Boarding with Pilot Boat SEA MASTER Rio De La Plata, Argentina

published on 13 November 2021 216 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "@ultrabarqueros / Barqueros de Ultramar". Originally published on 2021-11-12.
Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER"/ Bulk Carrier Ship "GLORY HARVEST"/ Embarking #Pilots Maneuvering/ #RioDeLaPlataPilots #pilotonboard #Recalada #KM239_1 #PuntaIndioChannel #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina / 19.05.2020

This video was filmed on board Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" and shows the moments when the Pilot Boat was proceeding to the #BoardingStation #KM239_1 #PuntaIndioChannel #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata to the vessel "GLORY HARVEST", to start with the Embarking Maneuvering of the #RioDeLaPlataPilots

Special appreciation to the Master of the Vessel "GLORY HARVEST", his Officers and the rest of his Crew.

Special thanks to the Skipper of the Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER", Mr. Fernando VETTORELLO (@nandovettorello) and his Bosun Mr. Alexis FONTELA (@el_joyita_84).

Special thanks to the Rio de la Plata Pilot, Mr. Maximiliano BARUTTA.

You can watch the full video by clicking on the following Link: / Puedes ver el video apretando en el siguiente Link:

Date: 19th. May 2020.-
Time: Since 12:43 Till 12:50 hours (Local Time).

This account recommends watch the others five (5) videos of the similar Pilot Boat, with the following titles / Esta cuenta recomienda ver los siguientes cinco (5) videos de similares Lanchas de Prácticos, con los siguientes títulos:

1) Pilot Vessel "SEA PILOT"/On board Bulk Carrier Ship "CS CALLA" - Arriving at #Recalada #BoardingStation #KM239 #PuntaIndioChannel #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina.- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

2) Pilot Vessel "CAPITÁN JON"/On board Pilot Vessel "SEA PILOT" - Arriving at #PuertoDelBuceo #DelBuceoHarbour #RioDeLaPlata #Uruguay.- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

3) Bulk Carrier Ship "PICTOR"/ Pilot Boat "PAX"/ Bulk Carrier Ship "TAMARACK"/ Maneuvering of Disembarking Rio de la Plata #Pilots #Prácticos #ZonaComún #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina .- Please, watch the video on @YouTube Channel

4) Pilot Vessel "CARRASCO II"/ Pilot Vessel "CAPITÁN JON"/ On board Pilot Vessel "SEA PILOT" Arriving at #ElBuceoHarbour #Uruguay - Coming from the #BoardingStation #JP #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata.- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

5) New Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" / On board Bulk Carrier Ship "TAI HAWK" - Arriving at #Recalada #BoardingStation #KM239_1 #PuntaIndioChannel #RioDeLaPlata #Argentine .- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

#covid19 #coronavirus #covid_19 #covid #Pandemia #BadHydrometeorologicalConditions #MaritimeHydrometeorologicalPhenomena #FenómenoHidrometeorológicoMarítimo
#ultrabarqueros #ultrabarqueros2 #pilotvessel #Argentina #Argentine #RiverPlate #stayathome #supplychain #cuarentena
#bulkcarrierships #bulkcarriers #mascarillas #tapabocas #pilots #pilotboat #MaritimePilots #proteccionfacial #servicioesencial
#merchant #instashipping #coolmariners #seafarer #sailing #maritime #shiplife #harbourtug #seamen #shipspotting #marinomercante #cadenadesuministros #marinamercante #quedateencasa #vidahumanaenelmar #seapilot
#merchantnavy #instaship

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Video TOP MARINE/ Disembarking, PilotVessel "COMETA" - 25.07.2024

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