
Yaw Stability of Ships - Basic Principles by Knud Benedict

published on 18 November 2021 351 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ISSIMS - Innovative Ship Simulation". Originally published on 2021-08-29.
Yaw Stability is an important element of Ships Manoeuvrability - both for course keeping and turning ability. This first video in a series explains the Basic Principles of stability in steady state equilibrium conditions and the forces / moments involved. The role of the unstable moment due to drift angel and the stabilising damping moment due to rate of turn in the yawing motion will be discussed. Definitions of yaw stability during turning motion and on straight motion will be given. Samples of stable and unstable ship behaviour will be shown by Fast Time Simulation using the SAMMON Planning tool.
The next videos will demonstrate manoeuvres (e.g. Spiral Test, Pull-out Test and Zig-Zag Test) to identify and discuss the stability condition for ships and the different aspects contributing to yaw stability.

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Francesco Lo Nostro Italy
on 18 January 2022, 00:07 UTC

Nice explanation on turning and yaw stability. I think it’s important to consider all forces involved to the Pivot point and point of application of external disturbance, which changes according incidence of heading.


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