A special thanks to Norwest Ship Management and Solstad Offshore for their contribution in this film.
In this episode of Mighty Jobs we meet the piloting crew of Buksér og Berging in Tromsø, Norway. Their Volvo Penta-powered piloting boat covers around 42,000 nautical miles every year. That’s the equivalent of traveling around the world twice. The Volvo Penta IPS system makes it possible to pilot ships under all weather conditions.
Editors Note: Unfortunately this YouTube video - although publicly available - was not authorised by the responsible official bodies. Out of respect for the local organisation, we have decided to stop showing the video link to YouTube here. We ask for your understanding!
Join us as we take a pilot 5 miles out to sea to meet a huge 80,000 ton oil tanker arriving outside Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne, Australia!