
Course Stability under wind - advice for various conditions

by Knud Benedict - published on 7 March 2022 251 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ISSIMS - Innovative Ship Simulation". Originally published on 2021-01-29.
This movie reveals some practical insight into regions of course stable / unstable conditions under wind. And I dare to say you can get some insight into other stability types and analogies, too!
The details are:
- Introduction of stability - using a lemon in a kitchen bowl
- comparison with cargo / cross stability / yaw stability
- Definition of course stability under wind
- Regions of stability and the relation with positive or negative slope on characteristic wind curves for rudder.
Respective samples will be given for ships behaviour in stable (e.g. beam wind ) and unstable (e.g. head & stern wind) conditions. And conclusions will be drawn from ship stability up to our Earth...
I hope you enjoy and give your thumbs up or even to follow this ISSIMS Youtube channel!
Knud Benedict
nautical profession

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