These Pilots work night & day escorting large ships in and out of the port of Brisbane.
These Pilots work night & day escorting large ships in and out of the port of Brisbane.
Video Dongara Marine Custom Boatbuilding Diversity 2023
published on 6 November 2023
Video Pilot Boat crew transfer
published on 12 April 2022
Video Pilot Boat Pacific Pathfinder exiting Venn Pass heading back to Base
published on 13 July 2022
Video Dublin Port People - Robbie Cox - Marine Operative on Pilot Boat
published on 29 August 2020
As part of our Port Perspectives series we have captured the perspective of what is like to work in Dublin Port from some key members of our team. This video features Robert Cox, a Marine Operative at Dublin Port Company. Robbie as he is better known provides an insight into his varied role at the Port from operating Pilot Boat Camac, delivering Pilots safely to vessels, to placing fenders at the quay wall no two days are ever the same! Robbie also captures some amazing images of Dublin...
Video PILOT68 17m Self-righting Pilot Boat | self-righting test
published on 10 January 2022
17m Self-righting Pilot Boat by Cheoy Lee Shipyards Name: PILOT 68 Designer: Camarc Design Overall length: 17.3m Designed speed: 25 knots Performance • Innovation • Reliability • Quality • Service #HKPA #cheoyleeshipyards #cheoylee #pilotboat #selfrighting #shipbuilding #Caterpillar #CamarcDesign Ref: 5217 (sister-ship: 5209)
Article Los Angeles Pilot Service Commissions Two New Pilot Boats
published on 15 October 2020
The Los Angeles Pilot Service ordered two customized 56′ Camarc Design pilot boats (P/B) built by Vigor Industrial at their Vancouver, WA facility, located on the northern side of the Columbia River. The LA Pilot Service took delivery of the P/B Angels Pilot and Angels Navigator at Vigor’s shipyard on Swan Island in Portland, Oregon in early October.
published on 22 November 2021
Video Finnpilot boarding M/S Aurora Botnia. Cargoship Fiona Sea.
published on 4 September 2021
Video Yaw Stability of Ships - Basic Principles by Knud Benedict
published on 18 November 2021
Another very good explanatory video by Knud Benedict. Absolutely worth seeing.
Yaw Stability is an important element of Ships Manoeuvrability - both for course keeping and turning ability. This first video in a series explains the Basic Principles of stability in steady state equilibrium conditions and the forces / moments involved
Video Maastricht MAERSK inbound Bremerhaven
published on 5 August 2020
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#pilot #sea #shipspotting #lifeatsea #sailor #bremerhaven #ship #container #containership #tug #seaman #seamanslife #maritime #passengership #navigator #mariner #mastermarina #shipstagramm #captain #dockingpilot #vessel #northsea #port #shipping #navigation #cruise #maersk #cargoship #shipping #merchantnavy