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If the footage shown leads to a constructive discussion or to changes for the safety of pilots, then we appreciate and support this.
Not so nice to see that my colleague is not using any PPE at all. (Self employed - his choice)
Video Kittiwake Mersey Pilot
published on 22 December 2021
Video Pilot Transfer - New Zealand (Auckland) & Australia (Melbourne/Fremantle)
published on 21 October 2021
Video Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES"
published on 4 November 2022
#PilotVessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES"/ On board #PilotBoat "PAX"/ #CanalAccesoAPuertoLaPlata #pilots #pilotonboard #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina / 02.November.2022 This video shows, the moment which the Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES", after departured from #LaPlataHarbour went to the Boarding Point in #ZonaComún to embark and disembark #Pilots #LaPlataHarbour . These images were taken on board the Pilot Vessel "PAX" (inbound vessel), when she was underway inside the #CanalAccesoAPuertoLaPlata...
published on 4 September 2021
Hi Guys! KAPAL PANDU/PILOT Yang berfungsi sebagai sarana bantu pemanduan adalah kapal dengan karakteristik tertentu digunakan untuk kegiatan mengangkut pandu dari atau ke kapal yang akan dipandu. PANDU /PILOT Kapal pandu adalah kapal yang memandu kapal besar masuk kedalam pelabuhan melalui alur yang berbahaya dan ramai sampai sandar di dermaga. Merupakan salah satu jabatan tertua yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pelayaran. Tonton videonya sampe habis ya Guys Jangan lupa...
Video Pilot Boats from port of Kobe, Japan
published on 3 June 2022
Video SWATH Pilottender Groden, good operational experience under all weather conditions
published on 12 March 2021
Video The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway Shipping System
published on 16 October 2022
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System is a 2,340 mile “marine highway” that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. This integrated navigation system serves mariners, farmers, factory workers, and commercial interests from the western prairies to the eastern seaboard. Today, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System serves as a Key Supply Chain for the world’s 3rd largest economy. Visit to learn more!