Video arrival cargo seaship tug & pilot CQEN6 IMO 9750579
published on 14 April 2023
Video Emder Lotse IZURDIA DB8143 für KüMo RHEINTAL CQER7 IMO 9375903 Emden pilot for seabound coaster
published on 31 January 2021
Video Pilot Boat BURKANA - Emden, Germany (2013)
published on 5 November 2021
Article Colombo Dockyard Completes Pilot BoatFor Japanese operator Kowa
published on 2 March 2022
Video Pilot Boarding with SWATH Pilot Vessel "Groden", Germany
published on 18 October 2022
Article Safehaven´s "Celso Madeira" for Portugal's Sines Port starts sea trials
published on 17 December 2021
Video Poseidon Sea Pilots buoys local shipbuilding
published on 9 July 2021
published on 4 September 2021
Hi Guys! KAPAL PANDU/PILOT Yang berfungsi sebagai sarana bantu pemanduan adalah kapal dengan karakteristik tertentu digunakan untuk kegiatan mengangkut pandu dari atau ke kapal yang akan dipandu. PANDU /PILOT Kapal pandu adalah kapal yang memandu kapal besar masuk kedalam pelabuhan melalui alur yang berbahaya dan ramai sampai sandar di dermaga. Merupakan salah satu jabatan tertua yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pelayaran. Tonton videonya sampe habis ya Guys Jangan lupa...
Video Port of Port Arthur Terminal 4K
published on 18 October 2020
The sun was out and was a beautiful day, I was searching for a light house in the area and there was one in Cameron, La. I started my way to the light house not thinking how bad Cameron was hard hit by two hurricanes. After a few dozen downed power poles I was met with the National Guard and the Po Po. Needless to say I turned around and I had passed the port so I decided to drone this area. Not a bad place and a ship was being assisted by two pilot boats. I never tire with maritime...