
Maritime Pilot•Haluan Kapal

published on 10 August 2022 5 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Andhika BL4CK_47". Originally published on 2022-08-09.
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Video Suez Canal Transit Of 12 Hous In 16 Minutes

published on 30 June 2022

This video is of suez Canal Transit of 12hr journey in 16minute.its Uncut video and covers all the details of suez canal transit whether its Pilot boarding, crew change or suez canal crew boarding. All detail has been included in this video with text Description. It took more than 12hr of recording, and hard work for lot of editing. If you like the video please like, subscribe share and comment on this video. This channel will cover all practical aspect of deck related work or ship's...


Video Nederlands Loodswezen: Instruction for Embarking & Debarking

published on 20 October 2021

Loodswezen Instructie Embarkeren Debarkeren.
Unfortunately only in Dutch without subtitles.


Video Tug Boat and Pilot in Sorong

published on 25 August 2022


Video Meet Capt. Trevor Bozina, Puget Sound Pilots

published on 8 July 2024

The Puget Sound Pilots’ mission is to ensure against the loss of lives, loss of or damage to property and vessels, and to protect the marine environment by maintaining efficient and competent pilotage service on our State’s inland waters within the Puget Sound Pilotage District. The members of the Pilots are highly skilled, specially trained vessel captains who board oil tankers, cargo vessels and cruise ships to guide them safely through Puget Sound waters. The pilots are independent...


Video Parking my Ship / Mombasa Kenya / Berthing Process

published on 6 August 2021

In this video we are trying to show how a ship enters into Mombasa port through a canal and the procedure of berthing.


Video Praticagem faz teste no canal dragado de Vitória

published on 25 May 2020

Primeiro teste da nova profundidade do canal de Vitória (ES). Os práticos Evandro Oliveira Daquino e Rafael Amorim Sobreira realizaram a manobra de saída de navio com 11 metros de calado. Ambos participaram do estudo prévio realizado no Tanque de Provas Numérico da USP. O prático Fabio Andrade Batista dos Santos também esteve presente na faina, sem ônus, como avaliador. Ele fez todos os registros da manobra, como a menor profundidade medida ao longo do canal etc.


Video Norway’s $325 Million Ship Tunnel Gets Go Ahead

published on 25 March 2021

Construction of the world’s first shipping tunnel will soon get underway in western Norway following government approval of startup funds. The Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket) has proposed a plan to complete a tender process in 2021.


Video River Pilot. Unmooring & mooring vessel operation. Safe approaching terminal.

published on 14 May 2020

Shifting a vessel from one harbor to other. Easy and safe maneuver. Turn area D=150m. Mooring area 110m.


Video Pilot boarding in Brazil

published on 9 August 2021

Awesome scenery


Article Safehaven Marine To Build Third Pilot Vessel for Port of Cork

published on 3 February 2023

The Port of Cork company has ordered a new pilot vessel from boat builders, Safehaven Marine based in Youghal.