
Pilot Maritime Maneuver Msc Samar

published on 26 August 2022 13 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "LauLau - WVFCS". Originally published on 2022-08-25.
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Video MT GRAN COUVA from Sea to Waalhaven, Port of Rotterdam

by Herman Broers - published on 25 February 2021

Awesome video by Herman Broers, "The Rotterdam Pilot".


Opinion Book review: Practical Ship Handling, Fourth Edition, by Malcolm C. Armstrong

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 5 June 2020

Some ship handlers today use electronic instruments from start to finish and these ships usually have powerful engines and thrusters and an almost unlimited number of personnel on the bridge.


Video Traveling on Crude Oil Tanker Seaways Yellowstone In The Gulf Of Mexico Open Sea to Port Aransas

published on 24 January 2023

Take a narrated journey with me on a large crude oil tanker ship. Starting from sea to taking pilot, entering the Port Aransas Jetties, to ending all fast and moored at dock near Corpus Christi Texas. In the video I film the Pilot Boarding the vessel while underway. Link To New Ships YouTube Channel For inquiries Web Facebook


Video A Journey on Kiel Canal, Germany

published on 25 September 2022

Great film about sailing on Kiel Canal (NOK) in Germany.


Article London Pilots issue Quick Reference Guide for PTA’s

by Port of London Authority - published on 9 September 2024

London Pilots (PLA) have issued an excellent quick reference guide for Pilot Transfer arrangements, which can be used for pilots as well as ship’s crews. Please take not of this document and if you can, try to incorporate it into your procedures.


Video Containership Loses Power Entering Tampa Bay | Pilot Utilized Tugs to Stop the Ship

published on 9 September 2024

Another Ship Loses Power September 8, 2024 In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - discusses the loss of power on board the containership Tyndall as it made its approach to the pier in Tampa on September 5, 2024. #supplychain #containerships #tyndall #tampa #pilot #docking Support What's Going on With Shipping via: Patreon: Twitter: @mercoglianos Facebook: @wgowshipping...


Video PLA River Thames Pilot Cutter Dji Inspire 2

published on 28 January 2021

Pilot cutters are used to take pilots between the three pilot stations (at Gravesend, Harwich and Ramsgate) and ships entering or leaving the Port of London.
Three dedicated pilot cutters Patrol, Guide and our hybrid Leader are based at Gravesend. The six cutters used at Ramsgate are operated by a Estuary Services Limited, which is jointly owned by the PLA and Medway Ports Ltd.


Video Mindfulness in Shipping Webinar

published on 24 July 2020

In this webinar, Rev. David Reid, AFNI looks at why we need to learn this skill and put it to work to promote safety at sea and the wellbeing of our colleagues. Are we mind full or mindful?


Video Port of Los Angeles: Career RePORT - Port Pilots Edition

published on 8 May 2021

Career RePORT encourages all students and educators to submit questions you want to ask a Port of Los Angeles employee: what kind of job they do at the Port, how they entered their career field, who their favorite superhero is, or what they made for dinner last night. This episode features John Mayer, Port Pilot. In his role, John: - Drives the 400-meter container ships containing goods in and out of the Port every day. - Safely navigates the cruise ships that are transitioning to and...


Video Entrainement sur simulateur des pilotes maritimes du Havre-Fécamp

published on 18 August 2022

Entrainement sur simulateur des pilotes du Havre-Fécamp : pilotage des barges transportant les embases gravitaires du champ éolien offshore de Fécamp. Plus de 500 H de formation et de travail préparatoire ont été nécessaires pour préparer ces opérations de pilotage portuaire exceptionnelles