I had just been in Cleveland OH for the christening of the Mark W Barker the newest ship for the Interlake Steamship Company and left there on the 2nd to go to Toledo and see the National Museum of the Great Lakes and then I continued on to Detroit where I made this stop at the JW Westcott Company and met up with Andrew Russell from Andrew Dean Detroit, who works p/t for Westcott so I was able to go aboard and ride out four times with them to service the ships that evening... Great fun
I had just been in Cleveland OH for the christening of the Mark W Barker the newest ship for the Interlake Steamship Company and left there on the 2nd to go to Toledo and see the National Museum of the Great Lakes and then I continued on to Detroit where I made this stop at the JW Westcott Company and met up with Andrew Russell from Andrew Dean Detroit, who works p/t for Westcott so I was able to go aboard and ride out four times with them to service the ships that evening... Great fun
Video Pilot boat TEXAS
published on 8 January 2024
Article Gladding-Hearn Builds New Class of Launch for Maryland Pilots
published on 26 July 2021
Video PNG Ports Corporation christians Siabo Pilot Boat
published on 28 April 2021
PNG Ports Corporation has christianed the Siabo, the first in a series of five pilot boats, each worth seven million Kina. The pilot boats are part of PNG Ports’ re-fleeting plan to satisfy the demands of its clients, to meet international standards. State Enterprises Minister, William Duma commended PNG Ports for its consistency in producing outstanding results. #pngnews #looppng #tvwannews LATEST NEWS: http://www.looppng.com/ SUBSCRIBE to Loop PNG on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LoopPNG-YT...
Video Goodchild Marine - Man Overboard Recovery Platform
published on 15 June 2023
Article An Interview with India’s First female Marine Pilot, Reshma Nilofer
published on 13 March 2023
Video "Sea Pilots" collection by Camp David. Original advertising video
published on 29 September 2020
Authentic Style! Die neue Kollektion Sea Pilots ist den Navigationsexperten gewidmet, die bei rauesten Bedingungen die größten Containerschiffe der Welt sicher in den Hafen lotsen. Plakative Prints, robuste Materialien, coole Signalfarben und sportliche Details spiegeln den Charakter der Linie wider. T-Shirts, Polos, Hemden, Pullover und Jacken werden von stylischen High Top Sneakern perfekt abgerundet. Jetzt entdecken!