
Houston Pilots Ship Pilot Boat Galveston Passing The Battleship Texas

published on 12 October 2022 84 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Third Coast Drone". Recorded on 2022-10-11. Originally published on 2022-10-12.
Drone Video of Houston Pilot's vessel "Galveston" wiht the Battleship Texas at Gulf Copper Dry Dock in The Background.

GALVESTON (MMSI: 367457250) is a Pilot Vessel and is sailing under the flag of USA.


Vessel Type - Generic: Pilot Vessel

Vessel Type - Detailed: Pilot Vessel

Status: Active

MMSI: 367457250

Call Sign: WDF4916

Flag: USA [US]

For inquiries

Galveston Channel
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Video How Ship Anchor Works? - Procedure For Anchoring a Ship at Sea

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#Anchor #shipanchor #windlass Anchoring is one of the very frequent operations onboard ships. A number of variables and external factors influence the duration and location of an anchoring operation. While the type of seabed is of utmost importance during anchoring, soft muddy grounds or clay bottoms are best preferred. It should be taken care that the anchoring bottom is free of power lines, submarine cables, pipelines or rocks. Various methods on anchoring include consideration of...


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Video Spiral-Test -Manoeuvre for detailed identification of Yaw Stability using Samples of Cruise Ship

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Video Disney Wonder - pilot boat approaches to drop off the Mississippi River boat pilot

published on 23 February 2022

Eerie fog envelops the Disney Wonder as the cruise ship enters the mouth of the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico. A pilot boat approaches to drop off the Mississippi River boat pilot.
The eerie fog made it look like the ship somehow transported to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
No sign of Captain Jack Sparrow, but he has to be hiding somewhere. Maybe he's at the Crown & Fin Pub having a tot of Navy Strength Pusser's Rum.
Video taken from deck 10 aft near the Palo restaurant.


Article Metal Shark Announces New 55-Foot Pilot Boat Now Under Construction

by - published on 29 April 2020

Shipbuilder Metal Shark is building a welded aluminum 55’ x 17’ pilot boat for the Pascagoula Bar Pilots Association in Mississippi.

Designed in-house, the new 55 Defiant Pilot being built for Pascagoula Pilots represents the latest evolution in Metal Shark’s pilot boat lineup. The distinctive vessel incorporates the“faceted hull” design initially developed by Metal Shark for the US Navy 40 PB program, and features an enhanced version of Metal Shark’s signature “pillarless glass” in a two-tiered, reverse-raked arrangement.


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