
Always on the spot - how the pilots get to the vessels quickly and safely

published on 21 February 2023 114 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "HamburgPortAuthority". Originally published on 2023-02-17.
On duty 24/7, 365 days a year. The pilot service is always on hand when a ship is heading for or leaving the Port of Hamburg. Fleet Hamburg reliably brings the pilots on board the ships and that is a fast-paced task. New challenges await every day. Find out more in this episode of "PORT IS WHAT WE DO".
Hamburg, Germany

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Mykyta Kontsevyi Ukraine
on 23 February 2023, 15:52 UTC

Thanks for this video


Video Hamburg Harbor Pilot Boat "Lotse 4" on Elbe River

published on 24 November 2023

Ship Name: Pilot 4 ENI: 04810620 Client: Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Operator: Hafenlotsenbrüdergesellschaft Hamburg Shipyard: Schiffswerft Hermann Barthel, Derben Building No. 170 Classification: Germanischer Lloyd Grade: GL + 100 A5 IN (1,2) Z Pilot Boat Length: 17.93 m Width 4.98 m Draught 1.20 m Main engines: 2 MAN Type D 2876 LE 407 Machine output: 2 x 360 kW/1,800 rpm #shipspotting #pilotboat #hamburg


Video Queen Mary 2 embarking the Hamburg Pilot

published on 14 February 2021

This is a short video of the Hamburg Pilot boarding Queen Mary 2. These people make it look easy but, it is a dangerous manoeuvre.


Video Hamburg-Süd 10.000-TEU container ship breached hull in ferry pontoon contact in Brazil

published on 27 June 2021

Container ship CAP SAN ANTONIO contacted landing pontoon of Santos – Guaruja commute ferry in the afternoon Jun 20, while leaving Santos, Brazil. The ship dragged pontoon for some time, and sustained portside hull breach above waterline, probably in ballast tank area. CAP SAN ANTONIO was taken to outer anchorage and anchored, for investigation, survey, probably for some temporary repairs. She’s bound for Paranagua.


Video Cadet Doyle boarding his ship from the pilot boat

published on 19 January 2022

Cadets get a wide variety of experiences at Great Lakes Maritime Academy. Glad this was captured to show the viewer what it is like boarding a vessel from a pilot boat.


Video Climbing Pilot Ladder - 360° video in all directions

by River Pilot Kris De Decker - published on 5 October 2022

Editors note: Great video with a brilliant technique: Move your phone while watching and see the different angles of the full 360 degree view. Amazing!
A big thank you to Kris de Decker.


Video How A Pilot Boards A Ship

published on 27 September 2020

Watch and learn how a pilot boards a container ship before entering port.
In this video, a container ship bound for Houston, Texas is boarded by a Houston Pilot before entering the Houston Ship Channel.
#maritime #HoustonPilots #houstonshipchannel


Video Cape Size LOA:299.95Mtrs, Southbound Destination 🇨🇳 with 200324Mtons of Iron Ore...

published on 22 September 2020

Turkish Straits , Istanbul Strait , Maritime Pilot ,


Article Colombo Dockyard Completes Pilot BoatFor Japanese operator Kowa

published on 2 March 2022

Colombo Dockyard (CDPLC) of Sri Lanka has completed construction of a new pilot boat ordered by Japanese operator Kowa Company.


Article Pilot Transfer Arrangements and new Regulations

by Captain Jesus Señeriz Lopez - published on 4 February 2020

As we all know there is a new regulation established since July 2012, this new regulation refers to pilot transfer arrangements. There are other yearly safety campaigns such as IMPA that include SOLAS V.23 and IMO Resolution A 1045 and Resolution A.1108(29). Unfortunately, in this annual overview there were some accidents reported that could have been avoided.