Video Pilot Transfer - New Zealand (Auckland) & Australia (Melbourne/Fremantle)
published on 21 October 2021
Video Safety of Navigation vs. Commercial Pressure
published on 18 January 2021
Safety of Navigation vs. Commercial Pressure / ROMEILs Tv Commercial Pressures impacts the safety of the vessel, study says Seafarers are pressured to keep quiet and keep the ship moving by ship operators, who dont want to lose inccome. Ship's officers who bring safety issues to the attention of management are exposed to the risk of retaliation. As whistle-blowers they may face punishment, demotion or even termination. International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (MM&P) has...
Video Las Palmas Practicos
published on 25 April 2022
Video Kapal Pilot Pelabuhan Gilimas Lombok
published on 11 April 2022
Pilot boat adalah kapal yang memandu kapal besar masuk kedalam pelabuhan melalui alur yang berbahaya dan ramai sampai sandar di dermaga. Selain itu Kapal pandu (pilot boat) adalah kapal/ boat yang digunakan untuk mengantar/ menjemput petugas pandu yang akan memandu/selesai melakukan pemanduan.
#kapal #pilotboat #lombok
Opinion Webinar on 24th October: Re-conceptualizing Indian Maritime Pilotage
by AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association - published on 22 October 2020
Video Nederlands Loodswezen annual report 2021
published on 3 May 2022
Video New Ships Orderbook - All current and future new buildings since 2015
published on 1 December 2019
The New Ships Orderbook is an analysis and research online tool for the maritime industry. We publish actually as well as expected or rumored ship orders in the international shipping market. Our Database contains all the vessels which have been delivered since January 2015 as well as yard and owner contacts. Get the information today about the ships of tomorrow! The "New Ships Orderbook" is an analysis and research tool for the maritime industry. It publishes actual as well expected vessel...