

published on 13 March 2023 17 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "MAKDRONE". Recorded on 2023-03-08. Originally published on 2023-03-10.
What does a pilot ship do and how does it work in one of the largest ports in Brazil, come with us to follow this adventure
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Video Pilot Transfer - New Zealand (Auckland) & Australia (Melbourne/Fremantle)

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Spotted some Pilot Boats in the Port of Auckland, New Zealand and Melbourne & Fremantle Australia (Port codes: Auckland:NZ AKL ; Melbourne:AU MEL ; Fremantle:AU FRE).


Video Safety of Navigation vs. Commercial Pressure

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#workatsea #youtubeshorts #buhayseaman
Copyright: None of my videos, or part of any video, can be used without written permission.


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Video ESAIL maritime microsatellite

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Soon a Vega will launch from Kourou carrying a payload of several satellites. These will be delivered into orbit by a new multi-payload system developed by ESA. Among these small satellites, E-SAIL. This microsatellite is dedicated to supporting maritime traffic and making seafaring safer. It is part of ESA’s SAT-AIS programme, which aims is to increase the coverage of the Automatic Identification System for ships. This system is a short-range coastal tracking system currently used on...


Video Tuban Port Maritime Pilot

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Video Another female pilot in Singapore

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Meanwhile, female pilots are more and more common.


Video Bulk Carrier Ship ERIETTA/ #PilotBoat SEA MASTER/ Embarking Maneuver

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Article Webinar: Pilot Ladder Arrangements: A Pilot's Perspective on Best Practices (18 Sept. 2023)

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