
A Day in the Life: Angus Macaulay, Pilot at Montrose Port Authority

published on 29 September 2020 213 -

Pictures and text courtesy Montrose Port Authority

Angus joined the Montrose Port team at the end of November, having previously worked for Maersk Supply Services since 2010. During this time he would be out at sea for 5- 6 weeks at a time on a vessel providing towing, anchoring and supply chain to offshore platforms.

Coming To Montrose

The ships he worked on would often visit Montrose Port, and it was this which first inspired him to think about the possibility of an onshore role in this part of the world.
When he saw his current pilot role advertised in the Summer he jumped at the chance to apply.#
Based in London during his time with Maersk, Angus and his wife moved to Montrose at the end of last year and are very much enjoying the change in lifestyle.
They have been making the most of getting out for long walks in the countryside with their dog, as well as welcoming their first son in February.

How did you get into the maritime industry?

"After leaving school at 18 I started a cadetship with the Merchant Navy, which involved a combination of attending Strathclyde University for three and a half years, while rotating with the ships team.
I really enjoyed this training and experience and got the job with Maersk shortly after graduating."

"No day is the same, and this is what makes the job so interesting."

Pilot, Montrose Port Authority

What’s a typical day like for you at Montrose Port Authority?

"Mornings are spent in Port Control working out which movements will take place that day and speaking to agents requesting piloting and berthing.
Depending on the number of ships we have coming in we can see anything from 2 to 8 movements per day, depending on the time of year.
Due to the fact that Montrose is a tidal harbour we have to carry out movements within quite tight timescales before the tides go out, so we’re always kept busy with a new challenge.

We see great variety in terms of the vessels coming in, for example recently there has been an increase in cargo coming through the port, at other times we have more energy related vessels.

Afternoons are typically spent piloting ships into the harbour safely and then leading them back out. When a ship is coming into Port we will go out on the pilot boat for up to 2 miles, before getting onboard and helping to guide ships in.
Montrose is a very tidal port and for this reason it’s essential to have local knowledge in order to guide vessels in safely.

No day is the same though, and this is what makes the job so interesting."
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A big thank you to Kris de Decker.


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