
ChannelPilot RTK

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ChannelPilot can now work with NTRIP corrections to provide RTK level accuracy, in a single antenna PPU. The NTRIP client is run on the users display (laptop/tablet) and the obtained RTK corrections are used by the ChannelPilot to provide position accuracy down to 2.5cm. With this introduction, ChannelPilot's accurate, reliable and stable performance is further improved. Which can also result in extending the unit for further applications such as docking and berthing. Users will require their ECS to have an NTRIP client and a subscription to a local NTRIP provider. The display unit (laptop/tablet) should have a cellular connection capability (LTE). The unit is the same form factor as a ChannelPilot MK3 and has no equivalent product in the PPU market.
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