Video Pilotage in bad weather Cork Harbour February 2021
by Safehaven Marine - published on 16 February 2021
Here’s some cool video footage we captured of the Cork Pilots in their Interceptor 48 pilot boat ‘Failte’ undertaking pilot transfers off Cork Harbour during the recent days of strong SE gales. Roches Point lighthouse recorded 50kts of wind on the 13th as the Cosco bulk carrier passed and the Cork wave buoy 2nm off the harbour entrance recorded waves to 6.7m at the time. The pilot boat coxwain managed to get alongside and safely disembark the pilot despite the challenging sea state....
Opinion Pilotage Wisdom
by Frank Diegel - published on 1 September 2020
Article GPS (Part 1) - Structure, mode of operation, technical and physical fundamentals of GPS
by Capt. Gunter Schütze, Thailand/Germany - published on 30 January 2020
Video Pilot Boarding - Accidentology (2001- 2021) - French Maritime Pilots' Association
published on 10 May 2023
The accidentology survey conducted in France between 2001 and 2021 found that pilots face significant risks during transfer phases while embarking or disembarking from ships that they are required to serve. To ensure their safety and improve transfers, pilots develop specific procedures and safety protocols and equip themselves with the necessary gear. These safety measures are presented in the following film that is intended for both novice and experienced pilot boat drivers and pilots,...
Video Curso Maritime Pilot AND Pilotage Transportation – Safety and Sea Survival Training
published on 12 March 2024
ANPRA y la Escuela Naval de Aviación Naval presentan el curso "Maritime Pilot AND Pilotage Transportation – Safety and Sea Survival Training (MP-SISST)".
Este programa integral está diseñado para preparar a profesionales de la navegación con las habilidades necesarias para enfrentar los desafíos del mar con confianza y seguridad. Desde técnicas avanzadas de pilotaje hasta protocolos de supervivencia en el mar, este curso ofrece un enfoque completo y práctico para garantizar la seguridad y...