
Associated British Ports to upgrade pilot boat fleet

by Baird Maritime - published on 22 July 2024 711 -

Trent, a pilot boat in the ABP fleet
Associated British Ports/David Lee Photography

Associated British Ports (ABP) will soon commence a programme of capability upgrades of its recently acquired pilot launches. ABP said that although the vessels are already highly capable assets, the upgrades – incorporating a number of suggestions from ABP’s own pilots and marine teams – will further improve their safety, effectiveness, and sustainability.

The capability enhancement programme includes increasing the number of larger vessels from three to five in the fleet. These new vessels will replace those averaging around 25 years.

ABP said the pilot boats with their beak bow planing-hull design have proven to deliver significant improvements to seakeeping, crew safety, comfort, handling, fuel efficiency, and emissions reduction in line with the latest regulations.

Changes will also include different coatings to improve visibility, positioning of filters, and adjustments to operating stations such as handrails and throttle height. These modifications will makes the vessels more comfortable and safer for both crews and pilots.
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