
IMPA Investigates the Use of Remote Piloting

published on 2 September 2024 894 -

The International Maritime Pilots Association (IMPA) is conducting a study to gain significant insights into the current and potential use of "remote piloting" on conventional ships as well as those that may be remotely operated or navigated by autonomous software in the future.

Representing over 50 member countries, IMPA is collaborating with the Canadian National Centre of Expertise on Maritime Pilotage (NCEMP) and the Canadian Coast Guard. The goal is to thoroughly assess the feasibility, readiness, and impact of remote piloting on safe navigation practices and systems.

This study aims to provide crucial insights into the current and potential implementation of remote pilot operations on traditional vessels and future ships that could be remotely controlled or managed by autonomous systems.
Simon Pelletier, President IMPA - (c) IMPA
Simon Pelletier, President IMPA - (c) IMPA
Simon Pelletier, President IMPA - (c) IMPA
Simon Pelletier, President IMPA - (c) IMPA
Given the role of maritime pilotage, IMPA considers it critically important that any concept that could impact compulsory pilotage practices and systems, including remote pilotage, be carefully examined and assessed. Captain Simon Pelletier, President of IMPA says, “The number and variety of people talking about remote navigation and pilotage makes it necessary for IMPA to conduct a rigorous, objective analysis to help pilots’ organisations, competent authorities, and industry make informed decisions. Providing authoritative, evidence-based guidance to support objective decision-making in maritime pilotage is key to ensuring the continued safety of marine navigation. It is part of the reason IMPA exists.”
"We are working closely with IMPA and NCEMP to understand the future role of new technologies in remote navigation and autonomy, and how coast guards worldwide must adapt to meet the evolving needs of mariners," said Mario Pelletier, Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard.

Captain Alain Arseneault, Executive Director of NCEMP, noted that remote navigation trials have varied motivations, reflect different realities, and utilize various operational solutions. "There is a lot of discussion around remote piloting, but it is in everyone's best interest that safety is never compromised by ambition or technological advances. We need clear, evidence-based, and enforceable guidelines, not just in Canada but globally," he stated.
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