
The Port Authority of Jamaica | Critical Services - Pilotage

published on 15 April 2021 587 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Port Authority of Jamaica". Originally published on 2021-04-14.
Pilotage is compulsory in all Jamaican ports and is a necessity for the safe passage and docking of ships entering and leaving the harbours. No ship or vessel can enter our Ports without the #PortAuthorityJa’s pilotage services.

#MarinePilots, being the experts in local conditions, are required to assist in the navigation and manoeuvring of vessels in our channels and port areas and are dispatched to all ports in Jamaica on a 24 hour basis.

Our #PilotBoatCrew ensures that Marine Pilots are able to meet incoming vessels, and safely navigate them through our waters, to our ports and harbours. These boats are required to operate within our country's pilotage areas, which in some instances will be as far as 10 miles out at sea.

The #PilotageDispatchers supervise the pilot office and ensure the smooth delivery of service by receiving pilotage request from ship agents and assigning Pilots for the various ship movements.

Given the nature of the shipping industry and considering the importance of trade to the country’s economy, our Pilotage Department is more than essential to the sector.
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