
Southeast Alaska Pilots’ simulator exam, May 22-28, 2021

published on 7 February 2021 209 -

Southeast Alaska Pilots’ is running a third simulator exam May 24-28 with the written exam May 22, 2021. This exam is open to new applicants and those that were not able to attend the previous exam. Those that tested in October or December 2020 will not be eligible. The application period will close Friday April 30, 2021. Applications must be submitted electronically to

The cost of simulator time is expected to be approximately $3,500 per applicant, payable to PMI.


(1) Absolutely no phone calls should be made to the SEAPA office. All questions should be directed to Please check FAQ on our website before submitting a question.

(2) When the application due date has passed, April 30th 2021, no new applications will be accepted.

(3) All candidates MUST be able to qualify for a USCG First Class Pilotage endorsement without tonnage restriction. If the applicant has sea time that may be applicable (e.g. combined tug and tow) but does not currently hold an unlimited tonnage license, they will need to provide proof from the USCG Regional Exam enter in Juneau, Alaska, they qualify for First Class Pilotage without tonnage restriction.

U.S. licensed mariners only.
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