Found on YouTube. Created by "The Tyler Show". Originally published on 2024-09-13.
Pilot boarding with the Puget Sound Pilots, Southeast Alaska Pilots’ Association (SEAPA), & BC Coast Pilots board an Alaska based cruise ship. Join the conversation...
perry sutton
on 19 September 2024, 23:28 UTC
No use of harnesses to tether pilot and deckhand to safety track
we require the deckhand to test the securing and integrity of the pilot ladder before the pilot commenced his disembarkation - in this case the vessel had limited descent as using the gunport door as is accepted practice for pax vessels
we require the deckhand to test the securing and integrity of the pilot ladder before the pilot commenced his disembarkation - in this case the vessel had limited descent as using the gunport door as is accepted practice for pax vessels
Video Kittiwake Mersey Pilot
published on 22 December 2021
Article IMO opens discussion on SOLAS Convention to amend pilot boarding arrangements
published on 28 November 2022
Video Marine Pilot pick up
published on 10 January 2023
#pelautindonesia #pilotboat #pandu #harbourtug Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.. Halo halo…?? Berjumpa lagi sama saya guys akbar peaut indonesia, gimana kabar kalian semuanya ? Semoga di berikan kesehatan ya guys. Aamiin. Ok guys, ini adalah video mengenai proses penjemputan bapak pandu dari vessel bulk carrier ALPHA LAGECY oleh MOTOR PILOT BOAT untuk vessel ini memimiliki panjang 229 meter guys,kapal ini baru di sandarkan oleh 3 pala tunda. vessel Alpha Lagecy berasal dari negari asing guys...