
AIMPA - The need and it´s Ideals

by Capt. Gajanan Karanjikar - Founder President - AIMPA - published on 12 February 2021 99 -

The formation of the All India Marine Pilot Association was a task which was required at any cost. The hurdles of Morale ground were noticed and one such organization was then decided to be formed byGroup of Mariners who care for ’safety and security’ of the Pilot. Although a lot of our Indian seafarers felt the dire need of such a body, it was only after the unfortunate and untimely demise of Capt V P Gupta following his fall from the ladder on 8th August 2019, that pilots and like-minded individuals started expressing their displeasure about the 'Eco-system'. The community of pilots and mariners came forward and joined hands to discuss how they would make this possibility a reality.

The discussion about the formation of this association then started with a round table and fruitfully resolved into a decision of forming one for the safety and security of pilots and improving the entire eco-system of pilot boarding arrangements. This would men working with Indian Ports association, Major Ports and Minor and private ports and terminals etc etc.

Indian systems are very poor in collecting data. Looking at data of Pilotage accidents in India, 100% accidents and incidents are not reported by ports and ports authorities. The need for such data collection was instant. But what does one do with this data? It needs to be analyzed at different tiers and layers, take aways drawn. The lessons learnt must be shared for the purpose of mutual learning, knowledge sharing and to eliminate risk factors moving forward to the future. Unless the weakest link in the pilot operation is strong enough to protect thatperson on the ladder, it is impossible to avoid mishaps and incidents.

Overall the entire Pilot system needs an overhaul and undergo for progressive reforms.

When we decided to float the idea, the appropriate authorities and like-minded instantly encouraged us with the go ahead because everyone felt a need for the same.

Here we are from maritime fraternity taking interest in forming something for benefits of pilots, for pilots and by pilots an organisation on all India level. The All India Marine Pilots Association (herein after referred to as AIMPA) is now under registration process and facing delays owing to COVID 19 and lockdown in the country. The bylaws of the society have been written and approved by the Executive Council members and will be circulated to all in due course time. Membership norms also will be declared in time. However not waiting for tide to turn, the preparation for association in making the Eco-system right is in progress. Meetings with affected parties is underway. Taking up pilot safety and security issues with Ports and other authorities is being done, because there is person on the ladder every single day and every single port.

Policies of AIMPA:

  • 1. There is no substitute to pilot on bridge
  • 2. Safety is paramount in all operations.
  • 3. No striking policy.
  • 4. Gender inclusive
  • 5. reform the Pilot recruitment and licensing.
  • 6. Bring dignity back to piloting profession.

The Main objectives of the AIMPA are:

  • 1. Safety of pilots
  • 2. Welfare of pilots and their families
  • 3. Improved pilot boarding procedures/ services.
  • 4. Be a representative body of pilots for Govt of India. Aim to seek advisory role regarding Pilots safety measures, notices and circulars for the welfare of members.
  • 5. Expand membership to every port and river in India.
  • 6. Propogate the belief that there is no substitute for pilot on bridge.
  • 7. Be an absolute authority of all Indian Pilotage matters.
  • 8. Affiliate to IMPA and other international bodies.
  • 9. Establish Safe Operating Procedures for all activities and actions carried out in the whole package of Pilotage Operation and get all Ports of India to ratify and adhere to.
The path to a flawless system of streamlined pilotage services provided by Ports of this country has been identified and is now being established. Soon enough the association will be making a difference in the lives of every Pilot in this country. And the support and encouragement from the readers is solicited.

We seek to work for the cause, with shipping Ministry and affiliated societies, committees of shipping Ministry and other bodies of Government to have this eco-system overhauled in right time so there is no other death under our watch, not any more.

We have drawn up 5 year / 10 year plans for the organization and benchmarked same with shipping in these times. The vision and missions are very clear, it revolves around only around ports, Navigation systems, resources and safety/security of Pilots. You would appreciate that there is immense need for reforms in this areas, although ports are being operated in India but how efficiently is the question. We have the answer (s).
Editor's note:
Opinion pieces reflect the personal opinion of individual authors. They do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about a prevailing opinion in the respective editorial department. Opinion pieces might be deliberately formulated in a pronounced or even explicit tone and may contain biased arguments. They might be intended to polarise and stimulate discussion. In this, they deliberately differ from the factual articles you typically find on this platform, written to present facts and opinions in as balanced a manner as possible.
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