
Marine Pilotage – The Arabic book

by Dr. Captain Ahmed Sati - published on 21 May 2021 114 -

Marine Pilotage – The Arabic book

“Marine Pilotage – The Arabic book” is the first of its kind in Arabic language and specifically concerned with maritime pilotage, it is a reference book and introduction to the basics of the Marine Pilot's work for Arabic readers who are willing to take the challenge and join the force of Pilotage and to act as a refresher to the experienced Pilots who are practicing Pilotage in local or foreign organizations. The book was written based on the knowledge, practical experience and the reality of field work, in addition to the foreign references specialized in Pilotage and Ship handling. The idea of the book came because of the scarcity of information available to the Arab Marine Pilots and the different local requirements for operating a pilotage service from one country to another. 

The book was reviewed by specialists in the field of maritime pilotage from several Arab countries and internationally known Pilotage Organizations to benefit from their experience in the field and to exchange practical experiences.

To order printed copy

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Marine Pilot / ISPO / Pilot trainer active marine pilot - DP World

I am Ahmed Omer Sati Mohamed AKA Capt. Sati. A marine Pilot in one of the world's busiest ports Jebel Ali Dubai, handling all types and sizes of vessels in and out of the port. After completing my bachelor's degree in Maritime science in Egypt, I sailed in different ranks in Oil Tanker ships from 2006 to 2010. following my Master CoC, I joined SPC Sudan to work as a Pilot from 2011 to 2014.  in 2014, I joined the Ministry of Transport in Qatar to work as a Port state control officer and senior Coastal state officer responsible for all Aids to Navigation in the state.  in 2016, I returned to Pilotage from the gate of DP World's flagport Jebel Ali.
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