
A study on pilotage risk assessment in Jiangsu Section of the Yangtze River

published on 7 January 2022 221 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan ex lorem, ut consectetur tortor tempor vel. Integer lectus est, facilisis sit amet nisi ut, fringilla tincidunt ex. Fusce vulputate fringilla tortor, quis facilisis urna scelerisque id. Sed facilisis orci vel nibh euismod, et hendrerit ex fringilla. Integer pharetra erat a mattis volutpat. Proin aliquam leo in sem tincidunt, feugiat condimentum augue tristique. Donec ut vehicula sapien. Nam malesuada metus nec iaculis ultrices.


Video Pilot Boat "Petrel" (River Mersey)

published on 16 December 2021

River Mersey Pilot Boat going slowly inbound on the river before turning and heading northbound again.


Video Kittiwake Mersey Pilot

published on 22 December 2021

KITTIWAKE ( MMSI 232008570) is a Pilot and currently sailing under the flag of United Kingdom (UK) Here she is speeding down the River this morning.


Video Pilot boat LIVE LAUNCH EVENT today, 10:00 AM (CET)

published on 14 December 2021

Reminder: Sjöfartsverket is proud to announce the launch of the first FASTWATER demonstrator: The pilot boat.
They would like to celebrate this important milestone with you and invite you to our online pilot boat launch event on December 14th, 2021 from 10.00 - 12.00.


Article New Website

by - published on 30 June 2020

Recently, Herman Broers launched the website
This website’s goal is to increase pilot ladder safety by showing good practice examples regarding the rigging and use of pilot ladder arrangements . Do it right the first time!


Video EMMA Extension – Smart fairway digitalization pilot in Saimaa

published on 9 October 2020

The smart fairway digitalization pilot is a part of the EMMA Extension project that is funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. This summer, 34 smart buoys were installed in the Saimaa deep fairway, which is Finland’s most important inland waterway for merchant shipping.
Safety is enhanced in particular by the fact that the pilots and VTS can adjust the light output of beacons and the rhythm of lights to support the navigation of vessels in poor visibility and weather conditions....


Video Saab’s Port Management app streamlines Pilot operations at Flinders Ports, Australia

published on 17 August 2021

Have a look inside Flinders Ports, the gateway of trade to South Australia. Pilotage operations have become much more complex, with more and larger ships coming in. With Pilot Control Flinders Ports streamline their pilotage operations – saving them time, raising operating efficiency and ensuring safety as changes can be managed at their fingertips. Visit our homepage: Follow Saab on Facebook: Follow Saab on Twitter: https://...


Article Gladding-Hearn Starts Construction of New Launch for Galtex Pilots

by Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding - published on 8 July 2021

SOMERSET, Mass. – DATE – The Galveston-Texas City Pilots have ordered a fourth launch from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. Delivery is scheduled for in late 2022.


Video Maritime Analytics: The breadth of AIS usage | 10 November 2021

published on 15 November 2021

The growing influence of AIS data and analytics has shed the light on the increasing demand for new, smarter solutions in the maritime domain. During this interactive session, we discuss with AIS industry experts how we can take oceans of data and turn it into streams of actionable intelligence for better decision-making and more efficient and transparent shipping.


Video Sea Pilot,Dock Master and Ship Master With Manouver at Radiance Pacific Singapore

published on 5 August 2022

Sea Pilot,Dock Master and Ship Master With Manouver at Radiance Pacific Singapore
#olahgerakkapal #drydock #singapore