
The NZMPA Good Practice Guide for Pilots 2021

published on 4 April 2022 620 -

A big thank you to the NZMPA for publishing!

The Good Practice Guide for Pilots 2021 describes the knowledge and skills (technical and non-technical) that the NZMPA believe all pilots should aim to achieve and maintain. It is written primarily for pilots for their own guidance and professional development, but can be used as a framework for pilot training, proficiency and assessment. It is referenced to NZ Maritime Law and Codes.
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Article NZMPA Mobile App for Android released

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The New Zealand Maritime Pilots Association (NZMPA) mobile App has just been released for Android devices.

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Article Pilots Corner – A perspective from New Zealand

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Video Maritime Training: Pilot Ladders: Safe Rigging Procedures

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Pilot transfer operations always involve risk, even when conditions are favorable. Learn the essential safety procedures involved in this operation.
Visit to purchase the full-length version.


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The TRENZ Pilot Plug Manager is downloadable for free. Get it here:
Please visit for more information.


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USCG Station Yaquina Bay in Newport, OR
Surf Training from 12/19-1/20