Video Mersey pilot boat runs aground, and Polish ship, Pilsudski, is sunk (1939)
published on 12 November 2020
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Wreckage of a Mersey pilot boat running aground at Southport, killing 20 crew members, and the Polish liner, Pilsudski, whose captain died of exposure after the ship was sunk Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Two More Losses on the Sea ENGLAND: Sefton: Southport: EXT LIVERPOOL L'pool Mersey Pilot...
Video Foyle Leader 2 (Foyle Pilots)
published on 26 July 2022
Video Operation of POD Ships - Discussion on Efficiency comparing Conventional and IN-OUT POD strategy
published on 8 June 2022
In this movie the efficiency of two different pod operation strategies is compared: With azimuth propeller ships the Pods can be used in two ways to control the speed, e.g. for speed reduction: 1. by adjusting the engine orders, e.g. by reducing the RPMs to get lower speed - this means to drive the ship in the same conventional way as for twin screw vessels, 2. by turning both pods either in- or outward (TOE-IN or TOE-OUT) to reduce the forward thrust and therefore reducing the speed – the...