
Latest edition of "Tug&Salvage" released

published on 24 February 2022 161 -

International Tug & Salvage edition from January/February 2022 has been released
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Article Three new pilot boats for Flinders Ports (Australia)

by Baird Maritime - published on 1 November 2023

South Australian port operator Flinders Ports (FP) has entered into an agreement to purchase three new pilot vessels over the next three years from Melbourne-based boatbuilder Hart Marine.


Article Current status of the next upcoming Maritime Pilots' events

by - published on 23 March 2020

What events and meetings for Maritime Pilots are scheduled? Which events are canceled or postponed?
An overview on


Video Cagliarie Ferry Pilot Transfer

published on 6 June 2023

Dangerours work as pilot tries to transfer from pilot boat to Cagliarie to Civitavecchia, Italy in May 2023 in moderately rought seas.


Opinion Scientific Fact: The ‘traditional’ understanding of the ship’s pivot point is wrong!

by Tim Cummins, Harbour Pilot, Portsmouth International Port - published on 9 July 2020

In fact, the pivot point that we “see” is a trick of the eye, it looks like the ship is rotating about this point but in fact it is elsewhere, a point that you cannot see.

Article Filipino crew died trying to assist pilot boarding

published on 4 April 2023

A Filipino crew member of a Capesize bulk carrier HELLASSHIP fell into water while trying to assist pilot boarding bulk carrier in rough weather, off Gijon, Spain.


Video Presenting OpenBridge Design System at DSD2020 in Oslo

published on 6 May 2020

I recently presented the OpenBridge design system at the Design System Day 2020 in Oslo. I talked about what OpenBridge is, how it differs from other design systems and where we are heading.
The conference was moved online due to the Corona virus, so I had to record the presentation using my mobile phone, and get Jon Olav from the lab to add the slides. So - apologize for the home quality of the presentation, but I hope you enjoy learning more about our work!
Since we launched the free...


Video Pilot Boat

published on 26 January 2021

Petugas Pandu Pelabuhan Benoa Bali


Opinion Piloting and the unstoppable wheel of technology.

by Captain Ricardo Caballero "Themaritimepilot" - published on 25 June 2020

Surely, the new invention also reduced the amount of time and hands (manpower) previously required to perform such a task. Now those idling "extra hands" could dedicate the "extra time" that was made available, to take care of other issues important for the community.


Video 2022 Nederland Vlissingen Loodsboten Pioneer

published on 22 July 2022

Het Nederlands Loodswezen BV is een organisatie die de aangesloten registerloodsen de middelen verschaft om hun werk uit te oefenen. Zo int het Loodswezen de loodsgelden en zorgt de organisatie voor het transport van en naar zeeschepen. We zien hier een prachtig staaltje inparkeren door de Pioneer in de speciaal daarvoor aangelegde loodsbotenhaven in Vlissingen; naast het Keizersbolwerk. Klaar om de Westerschelde weer op te varen.


Video Hugues Cauvier: Understanding the ship's pivot point (complete video)

by Capt. Hugues Cauvier - published on 3 September 2024

This video has been recut and edited by the creator Hugues Cauvier. Previously there were three episodes, which have now been combined into one.