
Cal Maritime Honors San Francisco Bar Pilot Business Director With Lifetime Achievement Award

published on 1 April 2022 139 -

On March 26, Captain Anne McIntyre received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the California State University Maritime Academy Alumni Association’s 17th Annual Scholarship and Awards Gala. The Lifetime Achievement Award represents the highest honor bestowed by Cal Maritime and awards alumni who have made significant contributions to their industries, their chosen profession, and to the academy over the course of their careers.

In Capt. McIntyre’s current role as the Business Director for the San Francisco Bar Pilots, she is responsible for advising and representing the Association in business, administrative, financial, and regulatory matters. Her pilot career began in 1996 when she was selected by the Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots to become the first woman Columbia River Pilot. Capt. McIntyre piloted ships on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers for 23 years and was actively involved in the administration of the pilot association, eventually serving as Vice President.

“It is an honor to receive California State University Maritime Academy’s Lifetime Achievement Award,” said San Francisco Bar Pilot Business Director Captain Anne McIntyre. “I am a proud Cal Maritime alumna, and the excellent education I received provided the critical foundation for launching my career. I look forward to continuing to support the academy’s mission in developing the future leaders of the global maritime industry.”

Captain Anne L. McIntyre, ’88 NIT, ’13 MSTEM, began her maritime career in 1988 as a deck officer graduate of the Cal Maritime. She has supported the university in many ways throughout the years, as a past member of the California State University Maritime Academy Alumni Association, a frequent panelist at the Women in Maritime Leadership Conference, and an active volunteer with Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning.

“Cal Maritime is proud to honor Captain McIntyre with our Lifetime Achievement Award this year,” said Cal Maritime Foundation Board Chair John Betz ’88 ‘15. “Anne was our first female graduate to become a state-licensed maritime pilot, and she has led the way for so many other women in our profession. She’s also been so generous to us with her time, talent, and treasure.”

Capt. McIntyre has demonstrated leadership within the maritime industry throughout her career as exemplified by her service on several boards, including nine years as a Commissioner on the Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots. She has also served as a member of the Portland Merchants Exchange Board, the Lower Columbia Harbor Safety Committee, and the Columbia River Maritime Museum. She currently serves as a member of NOAA’s Hydrographic Survey Advisory Panel, is a trustee for the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association, and mentors first year college students with Oakland Promise.
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