
Safehaven marine supply new interceptor 48 pilot boat to Montrose port authority, Scotland

published on 29 November 2022 225 -

Safehaven Marine have launched ‘South Esk’, an Interceptor 48 pilot built for the Montrose Port Authority in East Scotland.

The historic Port of Montrose, dating back to the 12th century is situated on the river South Esk, and is a sheltered haven open to the North Sea as a logistics hub for the oil and gas offshore industry, as well as the growing offshore renewables sector.

South Esk’ will be used for the ports pilotage operations. Powered by a pair of MAN D2862 SCR 500hp TIER III engines. The engines are IMO Tier III compliant and fitted with SCR exhaust scrubbing units lowering emission. She has a 24-25kts operational speed and proved very economical using as little as 50l/phr from each engine at 20kts. Capable of carrying a total 7 pilots and crew. Her accommodation is very well appointed and fitted out, providing a central helm position for optimal vessel control fitted with a full array of Garmin navigation equipment. KAB shock mitigation seating ensures crew and Pilot comfort during transfers and she provides full live aboard facilities in her spacious lower forward cabin allowing for extended operations. Incorporating all Safehaven’s usual pilot boat features including special polyurethane bonded fendering system to fully protect her during boarding operations in heavy weather and fitted with additional bow fendering allowing for ‘pushing manoeuvres’ to assist in smaller ship dockings. South Esk is fitted with Safehaven’s proven MOB recovery platform.

‘South Esk’ is Safehaven Marines 54th pilot boat delivered, with a further 5 pilot boats currently in build and on order.
Above Left, the graceful lines of ‘South Esk’ and right, MD of Safehaven Frank Kowalski with Bryan Robbie and Scott Gourlay from the Montrose Port Authority during sea trails in Ireland prior to her delivery.
Above Left, the graceful lines of ‘South Esk’ and right, MD of Safehaven Frank Kowalski with Bryan Robbie and Scott Gourlay from the Montrose Port Authority during sea trails in Ireland prior to her delivery.
Above Left, the graceful lines of ‘South Esk’ and right, MD of Safehaven Frank Kowalski with Bryan Robbie and Scott Gourlay from the Montrose Port Authority during sea trails in Ireland prior to her delivery.
Above Left, the graceful lines of ‘South Esk’ and right, MD of Safehaven Frank Kowalski with Bryan Robbie and Scott Gourlay from the Montrose Port Authority during sea trails in Ireland prior to her delivery.
Above left, South Esk’s engine room showing her MAN D2862 engines and right, her central helm position providing optimum control of the craft during boarding and close quarter manoeuvres.
Above left, South Esk’s engine room showing her MAN D2862 engines and right, her central helm position providing optimum control of the craft during boarding and close quarter manoeuvres.
Above left, South Esk’s engine room showing her MAN D2862 engines and right, her central helm position providing optimum control of the craft during boarding and close quarter manoeuvres.
Above left, South Esk’s engine room showing her MAN D2862 engines and right, her central helm position providing optimum control of the craft during boarding and close quarter manoeuvres.
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