Article Qastor 3 is now available - win a one year licence!
published on 18 October 2020
QPS is pleased to announce that Qastor 3 is now available on iOS and Windows.
This brand new version of Qastor is a multi functional navigation platform, which has been developed, designed and tested in cooperation with world-class pilots. Explore straightforward navigation software with optimal docking and piloting capabilities.
Article A member of our community is looking for a small used pilot boat
by - published on 16 October 2020
Article Los Angeles Pilot Service Commissions Two New Pilot Boats
published on 15 October 2020
The Los Angeles Pilot Service ordered two customized 56′ Camarc Design pilot boats (P/B) built by Vigor Industrial at their Vancouver, WA facility, located on the northern side of the Columbia River. The LA Pilot Service took delivery of the P/B Angels Pilot and Angels Navigator at Vigor’s shipyard on Swan Island in Portland, Oregon in early October.