Article New website online: Port Phillip Sea Pilots
by - published on 23 October 2020
Article Ships are manoeuvred in remote mode in Klaipeda Port
by - published on 28 April 2020
Klaipeda is one among few seaports in Europe, where maritime pilots are able to carry out operations in remote mode. As it is attempted to avoid contact with other persons as much as possible during the quarantine, several trials have already been performed in the seaport. They revealed that such assistance for the vessels sailing in Klaipeda Port is effective and safe.
Opinion Piloting in a Pandemic – A Personal Perspective
by William Hargreaves - published on 25 March 2021
Video The life of a Deep Sea Pilot by Roger Francis
published on 15 November 2020
The fascinating tale told by Roger Francis about his life at sea and ultimately as a Deep Sea Pilot. The explanation in detail of the terrific responsibilities comes with tales of daring-do, near misses and other peoples' disasters. Roger's personal tale takes him from kiddy to cadet and from 3rd Mate to Master before he became a Deep Sea Pilot guiding shipping on the busiest shipping thoroughfare in the world - the Dover Straits. On top of this, there is love interest and action in war...