Job Offer

Senior Marine Pilot - Saudi Arabia

published on 6 September 2024 996 -

Smit Lamnalco
Middle East, Saudi Arabia

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Video Pilot Boats Swath "Cetus" & P.S.V. "Pollux" (2014)

published on 5 November 2021

Beloodsingen Met Swath "Cetus" en aan boord Pilot Station Vessel "Pollux" @ Steenbank Pilot-station @ Schouwenbank.


Article Updated Marine Safety Information by U.S. Coast Guard

published on 6 November 2020

U.S. Coastgard has published an update of their Recommendation for Pilot Transfer Arrangements in latest Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIB).

"Recent deaths of maritime pilots while embarking commercial vessels highlight the risks of operating in an
unforgiving maritime environment. To ensure the safety of all personnel boarding a vessel at sea, the Coast
Guard reminds vessel owners and operators of the requirements contained in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter V, Regulation 23 and strongly recommends that owners and operators follow the recommendations within IMO Resolution A.1045(27) – Pilot Transfer Arrangements. "


Article Shareable Survey "Boarding and Landing Arrangements for Pilots" by Ewan Rattray

by - published on 26 August 2020

This survey on pilot ladder safety was initiated by Ewan Rattray. It is supported and recommended by well-known heads of the #dangerousladders Facebook group like Kevin Vallance, Arie Palmers and others.


Article Tanger Med establishs 3D nautical simulation and expertise center

published on 24 November 2020

In order to strengthen the technical skills of its collaborators and partners running the facilities,Tanger Med has established a three-dimensional nautical simulation and expertise center


Video UiT Autonomous Ship Program, including recent research activities by Lokukaluge Perera.

published on 30 June 2021

A recorded webinar on the UiT Autonomous Ship Program, including recent research activities by Lokukaluge Prasad Perera. The presentation can be downloaded from :


Article Simulation of Maritime Helicopter Operations with Pilot Assistance for Enhanced Ship Deck Landings

published on 19 January 2022

Pilot-in-the-Loop simulations embedded to a high-resolution maritime environment.


Article New Maritime Training Course on the River Liffey Aims to Provide Skills for Dublin Port's Marine Industry

published on 17 March 2022

"The only proven way young people will get to know their job and environment is learning while doing". That's the verdict of the Irish Nautical Trust's Jimmy Murray, who has launched a new River Liffey-based maritime training course on the capital's waters.


Article Rosmorport pilots perform test pilotage operation for a vessel with extended dimensions

by Port News - published on 16 June 2021

This operation was carried out as part of a study of the capability of vessels of 142 meters length to enter and leave the seaport of Vyborg in the daylight.


Opinion If you facilitate 90% of the world's trade, would you influence change?

by Melvin Mathews - published on 1 December 2020

Without a shadow of doubt, shipping is a key enabler of our current way of life and the globalized world we live in today. The irony is that the average person is unaware of the significance or contribution of the shipping industry and how much we rely on ships working without disruption


Video FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT sank after explosion off Nigeria

published on 3 February 2022

Accident today: Not much is currently known but some details are avialable on the number of personnel on board and the operation and condistion of the vessel. A video by Sal Mercogliano.