Job Offer

Senior Marine Pilot - Saudi Arabia

published on 6 September 2024 983 -

Smit Lamnalco
Middle East, Saudi Arabia

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Video ENTRE TERRE ET MER - Le pilotage maritime

published on 7 June 2021

La Nouvelle-Calédonie, notamment la Grande Terre, a la particularité d'être complètement entourée par un lagon, seules quelques passes rendent son accès possible aux navires venant de l'étranger. La navigation maritime y est délicate car une bonne connaissance de la topologie des fonds sous-marins est indispensable. Tous les bateaux de commerces de plus de 60 m voulant accoster en Nouvelle-Calédonie doivent impérativement faire appel aux services des pilotes maritimes de Nouvelle-Calédonie,...


Article UKHO announces S-102 Bathymetric Surface data set sea trial project in collaboration with Port of London Authority and SEAiq Pilot

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In the Inner Harbor, a tugboat captain is teaching Baltimore's inner-city youth about the maritime industry.


Article Sanmar Shipyards completes record number of vessels in a month

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Sanmar Shipyards is celebrating completing a record number of vessels within one calendar month, with six tugs and two pilot boats gaining their class certificates during January 2022.


Article New Digital Information Service for Vessel Traffic in the Arctic

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The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) has established a new digital information service to increase safety for vessel traffic in Arctic areas.

ArcticInfo is a free of charge service that provides important information on Arctic waters and decision support for safer navigation.


Article Fatal accident in the North Sea near IJmuiden

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On 30 March 2023, a fatal accident occurred in the North Sea near IJmuiden during a pilot transfer from the pilot boat to a seagoing vessel.


Video Safety with HamiltonJet (Waterjet)

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Waterjets are the safest choice for Pilot Boat applications. Our waterjets are engineered with safety in mind, precise steering control and efficient manoeuvrability result in effective and quick reaction to a man-overboard situation, and with no exposed propeller, waterjets provide ultimate safety around people in the water.


Article ISPO Newsletter January 2023 released

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The IUG would informs about the latest developments in the field of the International Standard for Pilot Organizations.


Video From EVER GOVERN to STEN FJELL via Pilot Vessel PROCYON

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In this Time-lapse and Bodycam clip, the ULCS EVER GOVERN is underway to sea. There I am met by the Pilot Station Vessel PROCYON and transferred to the inbound MT STEN FJELL underway to Europoort again.