Job Offer

Marine Terminal Pilot

published on 4 December 2024 973 -

Stoldt & Partner
Offshore, Angola

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Video Timelapse: ship departs Newcastle Harbour, NSW

published on 25 May 2020

Timelapse: watch our marine pilot assist the vessel Ocean Prometheus as it departs Newcastle Harbour, NSW ••• Port Authority of New South Wales manages the navigation, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping in Sydney Harbour, Port Botany, Newcastle Harbour, Port Kembla, Eden and Yamba. With over 6,000 visits from trade and cruise vessels each year, the ports of New South Wales contribute billions of dollars to our economy; create thousands of jobs and support...


Article MAIB releases report into grounding and recovery of Thea II in Humber Estuary

published on 21 August 2020

UK's Marine Accident Investigation Branch has published grounding and recovery of a container feeder vessel and a tug in the approaches to the Humber Estuary in storm force conditions on 15 December 2018.


Video SWATH Pilottender Groden, good operational experience under all weather conditions

published on 12 March 2021

The video was recorded by Marine Pilot J. von Krahn (Elbe Pilot, Germany) on 08.10.2018 and is the original video with his permission.
The video is taken from the bulk carrier SEA MOON.


Article Norway’s Seas Become Home for a Young Woman - Norway´s First Female Maritime Pilot

by Mauri Moore Shuler - published on 4 August 2022

She just finished school in Norway, and “a 19 year old rebel,” admits Captain Breivik about her younger self. She didn’t know what to do next, but Solgunn Hamme Breivik certainly never expected to make history.


Article The Risks of Remote Pilotage in an Intelligent Fairway - preliminary considerations

published on 28 July 2021

This paper described some of the characteristics it could offer to be classified as "smart" by reviewing risk management practices and accident statistics using the Finnish port of Rauma.


Video Baltic Workboats PILOT 17 WP "Shipeku"

published on 7 June 2023

Baltic Workboats latest state of the art pilot boat recently delivered to the Laurentian Pilots in Canada.
More info on the vessel can be found here:


Video Multiple bar pilot hoists

published on 10 May 2024


Article Qastor: The evolution of pilotage software

by QPS. - Maritime Software Solutions - published on 6 November 2021

Qastor was first released in 1998 and has become the benchmark in pilotage software in the years to follow.

The software has evolved from being just a navigational aid to an essential tool to support the day to day activities of the marine pilot.


Opinion Piloting in a Pandemic – A Personal Perspective

by William Hargreaves - published on 25 March 2021

Article and pictures by Captain W J M Hargreaves, Retired Southampton Pilot


Video Always on the spot - how the pilots get to the vessels quickly and safely

published on 21 February 2023

On duty 24/7, 365 days a year. The pilot service is always on hand when a ship is heading for or leaving the Port of Hamburg. Fleet Hamburg reliably brings the pilots on board the ships and that is a fast-paced task. New challenges await every day. Find out more in this episode of "PORT IS WHAT WE DO".