Job Offer

Assistant Harbour Master/Pilot

published on 27 May 2019 34 -

Montrose Port Authority
Montrose, United Kingdom

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Video Vessel coming from West, picking up Pilot at PEBGB

published on 14 October 2021

Vessel coming from West, picking up Pilot at PEBGB..
follow rules and instructions from TSS


Video The Boats That Built Britain - The Pilot Cutter - Part 2

published on 8 September 2020

Many consider the Bristol Channel pilot cutter to be the finest sailing boat design ever. Fast, seaworthy and beautiful to behold, the pilot cutter is the perfect combination of form and function - a thoroughbred perfectly adapted to a life in one of the Britain's most treacherous stretches of water. Sailor and writer Tom Cunliffe explores the life of the pilots and sails a perfectly restored cutter to find out just what drove these men and their wonderful machines.


Video A pilot boat on Bosphorus (Turkey)

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Canon Mark II
As the chemical tanker ship enters Istanbul, the pilot boat docks.
Istanbul Bosphorus


Video Boarding a ship Pilot San Francisco Bay

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Here we board the container ship President Kennedy, inbound for the San Francisco Bay.
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Video ENTRE TERRE ET MER - Le pilotage maritime

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La Nouvelle-Calédonie, notamment la Grande Terre, a la particularité d'être complètement entourée par un lagon, seules quelques passes rendent son accès possible aux navires venant de l'étranger. La navigation maritime y est délicate car une bonne connaissance de la topologie des fonds sous-marins est indispensable. Tous les bateaux de commerces de plus de 60 m voulant accoster en Nouvelle-Calédonie doivent impérativement faire appel aux services des pilotes maritimes de Nouvelle-Calédonie,...


Article MARS-Report: Paltry PPU position predictor

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To monitor the vessel’s progress, the pilot had set up his portable pilotage unit (PPU). He had connected the rate-of-turn generator to the vessel’s pilot plug and had set a variable range marker on the radar with a radius of 0.5 nm.


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Video Pilot Boat Orion

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Video Pilot 15 WP

published on 27 February 2020

Award winning 15m wavepiercing pilot boat