
Midwest Port Pilots ISPO certified

by ISPO - International Standard for Maritime Pilot Organisations - published on 30 August 2022 70 -

Text and Photo published on (25.08.2022)

The International Users Group of ISPO-certified pilot organizations (IUG) congratulates Midwest Port Pilots on gaining its ISPO accreditation.

Lloyds Register conducted external audits of the Midwest Port Pilots operations and procedures, and its Integrated Management System fulfilled the requirements of the ISPO Code. Midwest Port Pilots is part of Mid West Port Authority (MWPA) which operates as a Western Australian Government Trading Enterprise. MWPA is responsible for the safe, secure, efficient and environmentally friendly operation of the Western Australia’s most diverse port, the Port of Geraldton. For Midwest Port Pilots, ISPO accreditation recognizes the their high standard, experience and commitment. It reflects to the processes, reaffirm the commitment to safety and provides a strong framework to continues improvement.
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