Job Offer

Marine Pilot (Thevenard)

published on 16 April 2021 659 -

Flinders Ports Pty Limited
Thevenard, Australia

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Video Documentation 'Marine Pilots' from Port Botany, Sydney (2018)

published on 10 September 2020

It’s an ancient profession that’s vital to Australia’s economic survival. Marine pilots are responsible for the safe movement of cargo and cruise ships in and out of the country’s harbours. Rachel Hayter took to the seas to learn more. (April 2018)


Video The historical Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter - Part 1

published on 1 September 2020

Many consider the Bristol Channel pilot cutter to be the finest sailing boat design ever. Fast, seaworthy and beautiful to behold, the pilot cutter is the perfect combination of form and function - a thoroughbred perfectly adapted to a life in one of the Britain's most treacherous stretches of water. Sailor and writer Tom Cunliffe explores the life of the pilots and sails a perfectly restored cutter to find out just what drove these men and their wonderful machines.


Video Importance of Wearing Safety Helmets at Work. Examples for Pilots

published on 22 September 2020

Importance of Wearing Safety Helmets at Work. ... Hard hats or Safety helmets act as the first line of defense against head injury, but they only work when they are worn correctly. Thus, it's safe to say safety Helmets save lives and reduce the risk of brain injury. #wearenavigators


Video Marine Pilot at work in the port of Hamburg

published on 17 April 2020

How do marine pilots work? Example: Bringing a bulkcarrier alongside to „Hansaport“ in Hamburg. Here the tugboats „Prompt“, „Resolute“ and „Bulldog“ are involved. The master has to rely on the pilot. One reason is, that he can‘t know how to deal with these tugs. A maneuver like this is only safe, when the pilot has a lot of practical experience. A master who is doing a maneuver like this only about once or twice a month and each time with tugs he doesn’t know in areas he hasn’t been to...


Article GPS (Part 3) - Accidental interferences and intended Interferences by extern technical sytems

by Capt. Gunter Schütze, Thailand/Germany - published on 6 May 2020

The vulnerability of GNSS in shore-based use is definitely different and to be regarded as much more risky than on the high seas.


Video ER88 Sea Trials - 16m Pilot Boat: MED-P16

published on 10 January 2021

ER88 Sea Trials - 16m Pilot Boat: MED-P16


Article Louisiana pilots launch state diversity initiative

published on 24 January 2022

"Last legislative session, river pilots committed to making African Americans and other minorities aware of the growing number of career opportunities in Louisiana's maritime industry," said river pilot Captain Lee Jackson in a statement.


Opinion Example of a Passage Plan used by Portsmouth Pilots, UK

by Tim Cummins, Portsmouth, UK - published on 10 February 2021

Created by Tim Cummins. This is an uncontrolled example of the latest passage plan used by the Pilot Service at Portsmouth International Port.


Article 11.05.2020 - Vessel Grounding in Singapore Strait, Sector 8, Area VTS Singapore

by Capt. Gunter Schütze, Thailand/Germany - published on 28 May 2020

On May 11, 2020, in the early morning hours, the news went around the world that two serious marine casualties occurred in sector 8 of Singapore Street within 6 minutes.


Video Algoluna/Pilot Pickup - Port Huron

published on 22 March 2024

The pilot boat Huron Spirit picking up a District 3 pilot from the downbound oil/chemical tanker Algoluna on the St. Clair River in Port Huron/Sarnia on March 9, 2024 as captured on the StreamTime Live Camera.