Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.
Video The High-Stakes World of San Francisco’s Bar Pilots: A Virtual Reality Experience
published on 13 June 2023
Video 14 Days Timelapse of U.S. East Coast in 10 Minutes, across New York, Charleston, Savannah
published on 21 January 2020
Video Into Aguirre - Puerto Rico's Largest Power Plant
published on 28 June 2022
To get in to Aguirre, we have to tow in behind the reef, breakdown into push gear and then proceed to the Power Plant Dock. If you would like to be apart of the crew and support the production of these videos, please consider joining our Patron Crew. Patrons not only make this channel possible, but they also get early access and add free content from both of my channels. Link below: http://www.patreon.com/timbatsea And please check out my other channel, SV Paquita. Link below: https://www....
Video Pilot boat NES, North East Spit Pilots (UK)
published on 16 March 2022
Article P&O Maritime Logistics adds Australian-built boat to Dubai pilotage fleet
published on 27 May 2021
Video Two Way Traffic (The Texas Chicken). Explained by Capt. Lou Vest
published on 22 October 2020
Article Marking, Certification of Pilot Ladders
by Herman Broers - published on 5 January 2021
Opinion Heroes or Hostages?
by Ivana-Maria Carrioni-Burnett - published on 1 October 2020
“Definitions": ‘Hero’: person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities OR person greatly admired for their exceptional qualities or achievements
‘Hostage’: person seized or held for the fulfilment of a condition OR person who is illegally held prisoner until certain demands are met by others