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Engagement Of Pilot On Contract Basis (VOC Port Trust India)

published on 31 May 2022 199 -

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Video From Nordkai (Ems) towards the lake

published on 14 December 2020

Take a ride!
On the "EDDAFJORD" it goes in time-lapse through the Great Sea Lock in Emden down the Ems. Video courtesy of the captain.


Video Wind Balance on straight track with theory

published on 24 November 2020

Wind Balance on straight track - using SAMMON to learn the theory and the effect of rudder and drift to reach the balance in steady state equilibrium conditions on straight track. Limits of steerability will be shown and how turn under strong wind.


Opinion What is a Tug's Bollard Pull and How İt is Calculated?

by Capt.Alpertunga Anıker - published on 24 November 2022

The Bollard Pull value, which can be interpreted as the maximum thrust that is developed for a specific amount of time by the propulsion systems of any vessel to the fullest , when it has zero speed in the forward direction, is the criterion that allows us to understand how suitable a tugboat is for a port maneuver or a towing operation.


Video How does GPS work?

published on 4 July 2019

by Casual Navigation


Video Departure Bremen Port, Germany | Pilot on the Bridge | Pilot Boat Swath

published on 20 June 2020

Editors note:
Pilot Boat "Döse" built by A&R


Video Thomas Levillain, Marine Pilot at Pilotage de la Seine, France

published on 10 December 2021

Campagne de prévention "LA SÉCURITÉ DES MARINS, TOUS ACTEURS, TOUS GAGNANTS". Témoignage de Thomas Levillain, pilote à la station de pilotage de la Seine au Havre.


Opinion Ships Pilot Elevator System

published on 27 July 2020

It is frequently a Maritime requirement for a ship to employ and have onboard, a Ships Pilot when entering port. His/ her presence will greatly enhance the safe docking of a vessel into port, harbor or to an anchorage.


Video How the Pilot Disembark using by Helicopter

published on 12 November 2020

#Pilotonboard #Durbanpilot #DangerousjobatSea #Seaman #Marino #Seafarers


Article Pilot boat "Sainte-Honorine" christened in Le Havre

by L'Antenne - SPI - published on 14 October 2021

The pilot station Le Havre-Antifer-Fécamp christened, on October 7 in Le Havre, the "Sainte-Honorine", the sixth launch of its fleet.